Women leading the ‘Best Place to Work’ list

While fewer than 50 per cent of CEOs in Australia are women there are a number of businesses led by women listed in the top ‘Best Place to Work’ list.

Great Place to Work Australia (GWPA) compiled the list based on a survey of 40,000 employees at 124 companies from September 2019 to June 2020. GPWA aimed to ‘show how organisations demonstrated care for their employees, customers and communities during challenging times’.

Initiatives introduced by some of these top women CEOs include:

Pip Marlow, CEO of Salesforce, who launched the series ‘B-Well Together’ which included regular broadcasts of useful tips, resources and coping skills for their employees and families.

Melanie Perkins, CEO of Canva, who developed a hub for key resources, work from home tips and tricks, work from home fashion challenges and daily cooking sessions.

Phillipa Watson, CEO of UBank, who launched daily #CoffeeWithU sessions so staff could check in with each other, along with Thursdays and Fitness Friday.

Other women also listed include:

Louise Baxter of Starlight Children’s Foundation.

Louise Langridge of Morgan McKinley

Nicki Beaumont of Beaumont

Davina Rooney of The Green Building Council of Australia.

Rachel Riley and Daphne Chang of Ansarada

Kim Hamilton of OMD Australia

Suzanne Steele of Adobe

Cyan Ta’eed of Envato, Milkshake and Hey Tiger.

Given that women lead only six percent of ASX 200 listed organisations it is impressive that twenty percent of those listed with 100 staff or more are led by women, rising to thirty percent for employers with less than 100 staff.

This provides the strongest evidence of the importance given to women who have the opportunity to lead companies. It could be said that women provide that diversity necessary to achieve the best results for everyone in an organisation.

This article has been prepared by WR Law for information purposes only and is not legal advice. Please contact WR Law directly for legal advice regarding your specific circumstances.

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Ref: Angela Priestly – Women’s Agenda

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