A follow up report into the 2016 WorkCover scheme and Worksafe insurance agents was released by Ombudsman Deborah Glass on 3 December 2019.

It concluded that Worksafe insurance agents are continuing to unjustly deny legitimate claims for compensation, with the Worksafe failing to do its job in supporting and protecting injured workers.  The Ombudsman stated Worksafe as “immoral and unethical” and that her 2016 report had “only scratched the surface”.

Ms Glass’ report stated many cases where Worksafe failed to take action with agents when complaints had been made about poor or unreasonable decisions.  

WorkSafe chief executive Colin Radford released a statement announcing that Worksafe had introduced changes after the Ombudsman’s 2016 investigation, but they had not been enough, he went on to apologise to injured workers who had not been provided the support, entitlements, respect and empathy they deserved.

Attorney-General, Jill Hennessy, has handed down her expectations to the Worksafe board.  A total of 13 recommendations have been accepted by Worksafe.  There will be an independent review of injured workers cases.  Two recommendations include a review into complex claims management to ensure appropriate compensation is paid and a new dispute resolution process. 

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. This article has been prepared by Vanessa Baglieri, Marketing Manager.