Time to Take Action on your Whistleblower Protection Policies

On the 1 January 2020 changes to the Whistleblower Protection Policies will come into effect.  These changes will provide further protection for Whistleblowers and implement harsher penalties for Proprietary Companies, Public Companies, Corporate Trusts and Superannuation Funds.

Failure to update policies to refer to these changes and not disclosing the new policies to employees will be seen as an offence.

A Whistleblower may be a previous or current employee, whether paid or unpaid, an associate, partner, a supplier, a family member or dependant or someone providing a service.

Breaching confidentiality, unfair treatment or harassment of a Whistleblower is an offence and could lead to imprisonment and/or financial penalty depending on the severity of the offence.

Even if your company does not require a formal Whistleblower policy, you may benefit from developing and documenting a strategy to deal with Whistleblower reports you may receive in line with the new Whistleblower Protection Policies.

If you require further assistance in understanding your obligations and amending your policies you can speak directly with Rosa Raco, Principal at WR Law.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

This article has been prepared by Vanessa Baglieri, Marketing Manager. The information provided should not be relied upon as legal advice. You should speak with Rosa Raco directly about your specific circumstances.

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